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Self-Love Habits for Everyone


Loving ourselves helps with self-worth and is directly tied to how we show up in our relationships. As adults, we evolve in every aspect of our lives, and we should always know that the love we need can only show up from within.

How do you find time and energy to do this, and where do you start, you ask? How do you get to the holy grail of self-acceptance and happiness? There are many habits that you can start immediately to feel good about yourself now.

Sleep is essential to being productive, but many of us are sleep-deprived. Time gets away from us; we have things to get done before the day is through, so no wonder we sometimes feel cranky. Sometimes we need to create time for ourselves; to take care of our inner selves.


8 hours of zzz’s

Aim to get your 8 hours of zzz’s. Getting enough sleep is possible if you prioritize chores, have your family pitch in to clean up and shut off the tv, Ipad, and stop scrolling! Getting good sleep means you’ll be fresh and ready to take on anything that comes your way during the day!

We forget at times to show appreciation for what we love the most. Thinking about your family and friends makes you feel good, and we must remember to show gratitude and appreciation to them. Take a few minutes to journal or add to your prayers or meditation sometime each day. This practice leaves you with positive emotions. Give the ungrateful attitude the boot, and you’ll realize all the positive things around you.
Self-care is the number one way to love yourself, in my book! A relaxing massage, a day to yourself, a moment to savor a good book, or a “playdate” with your closest friends for an hour, whatever self-care means for you, do it. It brings happiness, and the people closest to you will notice and be grateful for it.



Did you know that your diet directly affects your mood?

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter

Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that helps you regulate sleep and appetite and mediate mood; 95% of it comes from the intestinal tract. It only makes sense that what you eat affects your thinking, mindset, and spirit. Incorporating eating a healthy meal helps you emotionally, fuels your body right, and keeps you away from health problems down the line. You’ll also feel good about your figure.

Clean eating paired with physical movement is a massive benefit to loving yourself. Finding an activity that takes you out of your comfort zone, one that you enjoy doing, makes you feel like a badass, invincible, and alive! Reap those incredible rewards, including shaping your body as a result, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find a version of yourself that you didn’t know existed.

Self-doubt affects your mood and spirit! You can turn that around and tell yourself positive things. Kick out that roommate who keeps talking down to you. Negative self-talk is toxic, so turn it around and don’t be afraid to shout out all the positive reinforcements. Staying positive is personal and should reflect your needs and wants. When you get in the habit of doing this, you will believe, and belief is what you need to make it happen!



Toxic relationships

Let go of toxic relationships that don’t suit you. No one has the authority to make you feel less than fabulous. Keep those connections to people that only fill your bucket, and release the toxic relationships that kill your energy. Take a break from social media to reassess your thoughts about these platforms and yourself. Take the apps off your phone for a while and go on vacation, experience life in real life, and you’ll be so happy you did!

In a world of copycats and wannabes, be yourself. It’s hard to live up to everyone else because many are working hard to be the same. Show your uniqueness and be proud of all that makes you different. And finally, forgive yourself. Make peace with the mistakes that you’ve made and move forward.

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